Monday, September 10, 2007

Hurrah! Posts!! (Contact info, etc)

Hi everyone! I've finally put up the pictures from Pennsylvania (With a few pics on the Los Angeles and the Vienna sides of PA). We're doing pretty well getting used to everything out here, and are planning on going out to get some big pieces of furniture today (2nd hand furniture shop + IKEA). Classes start in a week or so, giving us another week to get situated and do paperwork (and maybe some touristy things).

Contact info:
We've ironed out most of the bugs we were having with Skype, so if you'd like to reach us, call (818) 935 5039 (Studio City local) or (917) 720-6203 (New York Local). That should reach our voicemail (or if we're online at the time, it'll ring us and we can pick up). If you want to check and see if we're online, we're using both Skype (user name sirionn) and AIM/iChat (usernames sirionn and operasiren). To get a Skype client, go to, register, download the client, log in and add sirionn as a friend. If you have a mac, you already have iChat, so open that and add sirionn and operasiren to your buddy list and we can talk or videoconference for free (with better quality than Skype). We can also videoconference via Skype, but haven't tried that yet.

If you need to reach us ASAP, our local cell phone is +43 676 390 5638 (I think the +43 corresponds to 011 43 when calling from the US)

Our mailing address is
Kohlgasse 44/22
A-1050 Wien


Anonymous said...

Hooray for the only people I'm friends with in Europe! BTW if you guys were planning on beating Neal to the baby train you're going to need a time machine. Noah and I were in Seattle for PAX 2007 and Karen is due with Neal Jr. in NOVEMBER!

Anonymous said...

Yay! So glad you guys are safe and sound. I think the "+43" actually means "001-43" ...but I could be wrong.

Gabe & Melanie said...

I *THINK* the + depends on your country of origin, so if you're calling from the US, it's 011 43, and if from the EU its 001 43, but I wont know until I get my travel book back from my old subletter person

Anonymous said...

Like the pics from our wonderful breakfast. And, glad you are all set up and ready for life in Vienna. Happy singing and happy living. Will check back here regularly. Will also foward to Jessica. Big Love, Brette