Friday, May 2, 2008


On Bento Boxes: I want a Mr. Bento from the Zojirushi company. Bad. At the Japanese kindergarten, all the kids had little bento boxes with 3-5 different food items in tiny little cute boxes, all fitting inside one big box, which went into a fabric bag. This is an awesome concept. One of the girls showed me hers. Her mom sewed her fabric bag. awww. Anyway, Mr. Bento is a vacuum insulated bento jar, with 2 insulated compartments that stay either cold or hot for 6 hours, and then 2 more bowls that are at room temperature. It means you can have a lunch with hot soup, hot pasta, cold salad and say, pie for dessert, all in one neat looking silver thermos thingy. Want.

On Così fan Tutte: Aside from being stressful, it's really neat working on a Big Role like Guglielmo. I'm on stage for probably about 1.5 hours, I have a whole character arc, and I get to come up with a whole concept of how this guy thinks & stands & moves & adapts. It's been a lot of fun, and while it's a work in progress, it's been coming along pretty well!

On Exercise: I'm weight training again, since I wish to avoid being a girly man, so that means 3000 calories a day (Incidentally, you might think 3000 calories a day is fun, but you would be incorrect. 2500 calories a day is fun. 3000 calories a day is 500 calories more than fun per day.) Also I've discovered EDT aka "Escalating Density Training" aka 'days 1-7: Hey this is cool, days 8+: Holygod what am I doing to myself?'. EDT is based on a clever idea where you pick 2 exercises, set a stopwatch for 15 minutes, and do as many repetitions of those two exercises you can in 15 minutes. Then you have to beat yourself the next time you do it. So the first time you relax and think about how cool it is not to have to worry about sets or reps, and then the next time you realize that you don't get to relax anymore, and then the next time (or sometimes even the second time), it sounds like you're being chased by a bear and will actually die from exhaustion until the timer goes off, if you ask Melanie. Anyway, fun.

That's alls I got for now. Have a good day -Gabe

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