Thursday, September 13, 2007

Various! (Vienna, Week 1)

Some photos of various happenings during our first week.

Stuff we've accomplished:
-Saw the pope
-Went to Shabbat & Rosh Hashana Services (AND saw the pope!)
-Bought furniture
-Bought ficus, carried it through town in the rain and the wind
-Bought and then killed Basil plant
-Enrolled in school
-Dined with folks from school
-Failed to get health insurance
-Got special enrolled-student confirmation papers
-Succeeded in applying for health insurance
-Got special enrolled-student under the age of 26 ID badge (Gabe only, alas)
-Got semester-long cheapie subway pass with above ID badge
-Got our laminated floors redone, got bedroom wood floor refinished, got water damage on walls repainted
-Got our ATM pin numbers
-Found out our debit cards have a $0 limit, and are just ATM cards
-Bought the best baklava we've had at the Naschmarkt outdoor market
-Cooked various things
-Got Skype & iChat more or less working
-Saw Simon Boccanegra at the Staatsoper for €3.50 each (Standing room). Fantastic. (And totally worth standing for 3 hours, weirdly!)

Generated by Flickr Album Maker

1 comment:

Em@look-look said...

When are we going to see pictures of you, Gabe? Mel is starting to look tired of being the subject in every photo.