Hi All! I made my first-draft, snazzy tutoring website website
yesterday at http://www.gabrielwyner.com/tutor . If you catch any
mistakes or have any suggestions before potential clients start
looking at it, let me know! Also, if you've tutored before and have
any suggestions for a relatively new tutor, also let me know! How to
set up prices would be helpful information (Do you do the first one
free? Discounted? 30 min consult free? How do you incorporate
transport time into your prices without freaking out potential
clients? [Offering in-home tutoring in addition to you-come-to-my-
place tutoring]) (I suspect all of the tutoring jobs are weekly sort
of jobs, except for the diction coach one, which people (mostly
students) would probably only need an hour or two of for a given piece)
That's all for now!